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Monday, December 9, 2019

Global warming means the growing of temperature  on earth.The world temperature is growing at an alarming rate day after day.The growing of industry, the use of chloro Fluoro carbons (CFC) in packaging and manufacturing commercial products,the use of detergents such as washing powder and liquid etc.accelerate to grow the temperature on earth.Again the cutting and burning down of tropical rain forests,the destruction of tree etc.add the temperature.Not only that,the traffics that play on streets and their use of petrol and diesel also help to create global warming.It has disastrous effects.It will catastrophically reduce mankind ability to grow food,destroy or severely damage wildlife and wilderness.This global warming will raise sea level and flood coastal areas and farmland.this global warming assumes a great threat to us.we have to become very careful.we have to create consciousness against deforestation and gases.Otherwise,our existence will be imperiled.

Sunday, May 26, 2019

facebook easy paragraph for all class


Facebook is an internet based social networking system.It work though a  computer .Any one having a personal computer with internet connection can easily access to facebook . He also needs an emaila adress .One has to fill up[ a form  with his detail .He has to keep a hidden password to ensure  privacy and secrecy.People can easily communicate with  others world wide though facebook account .They can access picture , information,invitation, photos and doccoument .Friendship has became possible though facebook.One can easily send comment on anything though this facebook account . One can easily talk with his friends.Thus,facebook network has brought a goldren opportunity for the people .But sometimes, perverted people  send naked pictures though his facebook and demoralize. the socity.thus, we should be carefull about using the facebook .

Thursday, January 31, 2019

Transformation of Sentences

Transformation of Sentences

Affirmative to Negative:

Rule 1:
Only বা alone এর পরিবর্তে উত্তর বাক্যের শুরুতে None but বসে। আর কোন পরিবর্তন হয়না।
Affirmative: Only he can play good cricket.
Negative: None but he can play good cricket.
Affirmative: Only the science students can apply for the post.
Negative: None but the science students can apply for the post.
Affirmative: Only they can do the work.
Negative: None but they can do the work.
Note: বস্তুর ক্ষেত্রে only এর পরিবর্তে nothing but বসে। তবে বয়সের ক্ষেত্রে বা সংখ্যার ক্ষেত্রে only এর পরিবর্তে not more than বসে।
Affirmative: He is only four.
Negative: He is not more than four.
Affirmative: They have only two cars.
Negative: They have not more than two cars.
Rule 2:
Affirmative sentence এ must থাকলে negative করার সময় must এর পরিবর্তে can not but/ can not help বসে। তবে can not help এর পরে যে verb থাকে তার সাথে ing যুক্ত করতে হয়।
Affirmative: You must yield to your fate.
Negative: You can not but yield to your fate.
Affirmative: We must obey our parents.
Negative: We can not but obey our parents.
Affirmative: You must care them.
Negative: You can not help caring them.
Rule 3:
Every কে Negative করতে হলে Every এর পরিবর্তে There is no বসে + every এর পরের শব্দটি বসে + but + প্রদত্ত sentence এর বাকী অংশ।
Affirmative: Everyone hates a terrorist.
Negative: There is no one but hates a terrorist.
Affirmative: Everybody fears a lion.
Negative: There is no body but hates a liar.
Rule 4:
As soon as যুক্ত sentence কে Negative করতে হলে-
As soon as এর জায়গায় no sooner had বসবে + প্রদত্ত Sentence এর কর্তা বসে + সে Sentence এর মূল verb এর past participle form বসে + সে sentence বাকী অংশ বসে + than + দ্বিতীয় বাক্য বসে।
Affirmative: As soon as he he saw the tiger, he ran away.
Negative: No sooner had he seen the Tiger than he ran away.
Affirmative: No sooner had the boy saw the police, he ran away.
Negative: As soon as the boy seen the police than he ran away.
Rule 5:
Affirmative sentence কে Negative করার সময় উক্ত sentence এর Affirmative শব্দটির Negative রূপ বসাতে হয়। এবং উক্ত Negative এর পূর্বে not বসাতে হয়। বাকী সব থিক থাকে।
Affirmative: He is a good man.
Negative: He is not a bad man.
Affirmative: Rakib is an honest boy.
Negative: Rakib is not a dishonest boy.
Affirmative: This was an extra-ordinary ship.
Negative: This was not an ordinary ship.
Rule 6:
Always যুক্ত Affirmative sentence কে Negative করতে হলে Always এর পরিবর্তে never বসে। Affirmative শব্দটির Negative রূপ বসাতে হয়।
Affirmative: He was always punctual.
Negative: He was never late.
Affirmative: I always tell truth.
Negative: I never tell lie.
Rule 7:
Superlative degree যুক্ত Affirmative sentence কে Negative করতে হলে –
No other + superlative এর পরের অংশ + verb + as + superlative degree এর positive form + as + প্রদত্ত sentence এর subject.
Affirmative: He is the best batsman in the team.
Negative: No other batsman in the team is as good as him.
Affirmative: You are the best boy in the class.
Negative: No other boy in the class is as good as you.
Rule 8:
Than any other/than all other যুক্ত comparative degree কে Negative করতে হলে –
No other + any other/all other এর পরের অংশ বসে + প্রদত্ত verb + so/as বসে + comparative degree এর positive form + as + প্রদত্ত sentence এর subject.
Affirmative: He is better than any other boy in the class.
Negative: No other boy in the class is as good as him.
Affirmative: Dhaka is bigger than all other cities in Bangladesh.
Negative: No other city in Bangladesh is as big as Dhaka.
Rule 9:
Than যুক্ত comparative degree কে Negative করতে হলে –
Than এর শেষের অংশ প্রথমে বসে + verb (tense ও person অনুযায়ী) + not + so/as + comparative degree এর positive form + as + প্রদত্ত sentence এর subject.
Affirmative: He is stronger than you.
Negative: You are not as/so strong as him.
Affirmative: I am taller than you.
Negative: You are not as tall as me.
Rule 10:
As....as যুক্ত positive degree কে Negative করতে হলে –
প্রথম as এর পরিবর্তে not less শেষ as এর পরিবর্তে than বসে।
Affirmative: Robi and Rahat were as strong as Rakib.
Negative: Robi and Rahat were not less strong than Rakib.
Affirmative: He is as good as you.
Negative: He is not less good than you.
Rule 11:
Less...than যুক্ত sentence কে Negative করতে হলে –
Less এর জায়গায় not as বসবে এবং than এর জায়গায় as বসবে।
Affirmative: He is less ugly than you said.
Negative: He is not as ugly as you said.
Affirmative: You are less good than he said.
Negative: You are not as good as he said.
Rule 12:
Too.....to যুক্ত sentence কে Negative করতে হলে –
Too এর জায়গায় so বসে + Too এর পরের adjective/adverb বসে + that বসে + পনুরায় subject বসে। + tense অনুযায়ী can not/could not + প্রদত্ত to এর পরের অংশ বসে।
Affirmative: He is too weak to walk.
Negative: He is so weak that he can not walk.
Affirmative: The sum was too difficult for me to work out.
Negative: The sum was so difficult for me that I could not work out.

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

rights form of verb

Right Forms of Verbs


Right forms of verbs এর নিয়ম ও ব্যবহার। 
Important rules of right forms of verbs are described below:
1. Present Indefinite Tense এর subject যদি third person singular number হয় তাহলে verb এর শেষে s, es যোগ হবে। কিন্তু অন্য কোন tense এর ক্ষেত্রে হবে না।
  • He eats rice.
  • He plays football.
Present Indefinite Tense এর subject যদি plural number হয় তাহলে verb এর শেষে s/es যোগ হবে না।
  • They play football.
  • They eat rice.
2. Present Indefinite Tense এর subject, third person singular number হলেও সেটি যদি negative sentence হয় তাহলে does not ব্যবহৃত হবে। তখন verb এর শেষে s/es যোগ হবেনা।
  • He does not go to school.
  • Ashish does not eat rice.
3. Past tense or future tense হলে verb এর শেষে s/es যোগ হবে না। তখন সেই tense এর structure অনুযায়ী verb বসবে।
  • He went to school.
  • He will go to school.
4. Modal Auxiliary verb (যেমন: can, could, may, might, shall, should, will, would, ought to, need, dare, have to, must etc.) এর পরে verb এর present form বসে এবং verb এর সাথে কোন কিছু যোগ হয় না।
  • He can do the work.
  • shall go to the school.
  • You must come home.
  • He should study hard.
5. বাক্যটি যদি universal truth (চিরন্তন সত্য) হয়, habitual fact (অভ্যাসগত কাজ) বোঝায় তাহলে present indefinite tense হবে।
  • The sun rises in the east.
  • Ice floats on water.
6. Sentence টি passive voice হলে এবং modal auxiliary verb (can, could, may, might, shall, should, will, would, ought to, need, dare, have to, must etc.) এর পরে be + past participle form of verb বসে।
  • It can be done by you.
  • All the fruits could be taken.
7. Had, rather, let, would better, had better, need not, do not, does not, did not, did never, ইত্যাদি এর পর present form of verb বসে।
  • let them use my shoes.
  • I had better go to the market by this time.
  • I need not do the work.
8. বাক্যে have/has থাকলে সেটি present perfect tense হবে।
  • He has done the work.
  • They have eaten rice.
9. Sentence এ yet, just, just now, recently, already, lately, ever ইত্যাদি থাকলে present perfect tense হবে।
  • He has taken his lunch just now.
  • They have already come home.
  • I have met him recently.
10. Sentence এ yesterday, ago, long ago, last year, last week, last month, that day, day before, ইত্যাদি থাকলে past indefinite tense হবে।
  • He came home
  • went to Cox's Bazar last month.
  • A long time ago, there lived a poor farmer.
11. To এর পরে সবসময় verb এর present form বসে।
  • You need to do the work in time.
  • He went to the market to buy a shirt.
12. Since বা for এর পর সময়ের উল্লেখ থাকলে সেটি present perfect continuous tense হবে।
  • He has been doing the work since the morning.
  • It has been raining for two hours.
13. If দ্বারা যুক্ত clause টি যদি present indefinite tense হয় তাহলে পরের clause টি future indefinite tense হবে।
  • If he comes, I’ll go.
  • If you work hard, you’ll shine in life.
14. With a view to/look forward to এর পর verb এর সাথে ing যোগ হবে।
  • I’m looking forward to getting a job.
  • I went shopping with a view to buying a shirt.
15. By এর পর verb এর সাথে ing যোগ হবে।
  • She expressed her feelings by crying.
  • By digging the land, she planted trees.
16. For, of, in, without, with, before, after ইত্যাদি preposition এর পরে verb এর সাথে ing যোগ হয়।
  • I’ve never been tired of going there.
  • She can’t go without waiting for me.
17. Mind, would you mind, past, worth, could not help, cannot help এর পরে verb এর সাথে ing যোগ হয়।
  • Would you mind giving me the book?
  • He cannot help doing the assignment.
18. Sentence এর শুরুতে যদি would that থাকে তাহলে subject এর পর could বসে এবং এরপর verb এর present form বসে।
  • Would that I could be a writer like Humayun Ahmed.
  • Would that I could buy a Toyota car.
19. To be/having/got থাকলে verb এর past participle form হয়।
  • The assignment is to be completed immediately.
  • The thief ran away having seen the police.
  • got the certificates sent by the Headmaster.
20. ব্র্যাকেটে (be) থাকলে person, number এবং tense অনুযায়ী am/is/are/was/were/been হবে।
  • It (be) two years ago.
  • It was two years ago.
  • Allah (be) everywhere.
  • Allah is everywhere.
  • One of my friends (be) an honest person.
  • One of my friends is/was an honest person.
21. বর্তমান কালে চলছে এমন কোন কাজ বোঝালে present continuous tense হয়। (এসব ক্ষেত্রে সাধারণত at present/now/at the moment ইত্যাদি adverb ব্যবহৃত হয়।)
  • He is watching the Television at this moment.
  • They are playing football.
  • Now, they are doing their assignment.
22. If + Present Indefinite + Future Indefinite (if যুক্ত clause টি present indefinite tense হলে পরের clause টি হবে future indefinite)
  • If you comeI’ll go.
  • If you drink milk, you will be healthy.
23. যদি had/if যুক্ত clause টি past indefinite tense হয় তাহলে পরের clause টি তে subject এর পর would/could/might বসে এবং verb এর present form হয়।
  • If he cameI would go to the market.
  • If I were rich enough, I would help the poor.
যদি had/if যুক্ত clause টি past perfect tense হয় তাহলে পরের clause টি তে subject এর পর would have/could have/might have বসে এবং verb এর past participle form হয়।
  • If he had come, I would have gone to the market.
  • If you had walked fast, you could have reached the station.
24. Wish/fancy/it is time/it is high time ইত্যাদি থাকলে verb এর past tense হবে।
  • wish I won the first prize.
  • It is high time you changed your bad habits.
  • I fancy I flew in the sky.
25. As if/as though থাকলে were বসে।
  • He speaks as if he were the leader.
  • He acts as though he were a hero.
26. Each, every, everyone, any, anyone, many a, everybody, everything, anybody, nobody, no one, nothing, anything, someone, something, one of, either, neither ইত্যাদি থাকলে verb এর singular number ব্যবহৃত হয়।
  • Each of the students was present.
  • Every father dedicates his life to his children.
  • One of the students was very talented.
  • Neither of the two brothers was present in the class.
27. While এর পর verb থাকলে সেটির সাথে ing যোগ হয়। কিন্তু while এর পর subject থাকলে এর অংশটি past continuous tense হয়।
  • While walking through the zoo, I saw a
  • While it was raining, I was watching a movie.
28. অনেক সময় একই স্থান, দৈর্ঘ্য বা পরিমাপ বোঝালে subject দেখতে plural মনে হলেও verb টি singular form হয়।
  • Twenty miles was a long way.
  • Two hundred miles is not a long distance in this modern era.
29. Main clause এর verb টি past tense হলে ও পরের অংশে next day, next week, next month, next year ইত্যাদি উল্লেখ থাকলে subject এর পরে should/would বসে।
  • He told that he would go home the next week.
  • She said that she would buy land next year.
30. After এর পরের এবং before এর আগের clause টি past perfect tense হবে এবং অন্য clause টি past indefinite tense হবে।
  • The train had left the station before we reached.
  • The doctor came after the patient had died.
31. Passive voice এর সময় tense ও person অনুযায়ী auxiliary verb ও verb এর past participle form বসে।
  • English is spoken all over the world.
  • We are taught English by
32. ব্যতিক্রমগুলো ছাড়া Principle clause এর verb যদি past tense হয় তাহলে subordinate clause এর verb ও past tense হবে এবং একটি present tense হলে অন্যটিও present tense হবে।
  • He was so ill that he would not go to the school.
  • They understood that he would not come.
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